Octobre, 2022


A homemade 2D game engine in the Windows Command Prompt.

WebPage Under Construction

Project Origine

This game was developed by a programmer duo as part of an exercise to create a video game using ASCII characters exclusively within the Windows command prompt. This project was immensely educational and enabled me to become well-versed in the C++ language while thoroughly enjoying the process of reimagining "The Lemmings" game.

Github Project Content

My experience with The ASCII Lemmings

To create a pixel art-like representation, we used the Unicode character 0x259F "â–€" for all the characters in our Windows command prompt. Additionally, since the Windows command prompt only supports 16 colors, we needed to devise a method for encoding these colors.

Nous avons donc commencé a faire l'enssemble des outils nessaissaire au developpement du jeu comme :

  • Display a pixel;
  • Display an picture from a file source;
  • Play 2D animations from files;
  • Lemmings behavior (animation, movement, state);
  • Mouse input detection on the interface;
  • Collision management using "Flag" on pixels;
  • Game loop (winning, losing).

To integrate the game's images and animations, we retrieved archives found on the Internet and resized them to fit our screen size. Then, to adjust the original colors to the 16-color limit of our interface, we used a Python script to convert our images into our specific format. This slightly altered the color rendering, but it worked satisfactorily.

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